[Bxscience Key Club] Carpe Diem

Good evening!

Tomorrow is the official last day of school. Hallelujah! I hope many of you have found internships and volunteering jobs to keep you busy over the summer. It is very important to do something over the summer to gain experience and make your resume look great for college. It might be too late, but check out this website for some opportunities: Of course, you can still list your KC events. Make sure you keep a list of which events you have gone to, including the date, which organization you volunteered with/for, and how many hours you gave your time. 

Theres another event called Tour De Queens on July 8th ( Please note that there are two other events that day! The events starts at 8 AM.

The board meeting has been rescheduled to Saturday (before the archery fundraiser) so I can't send out the bunch of things that I promised in yesterdays email. You'll still be able to get to see us sing, dw. A form on the archery fundraiser will be sent out in the next couple of days too!

I'm sure many of you have heard about the death of Diana Wu, class of 2012. She died from a car crash early Saturday morning. Many of her friends are blessed to have known her for her great personality, smile, and spirit. There is a memorial service in school tomorrow at 11:30 AM in the auditorium. If you would like to go, please wear blue because it was her favorite color. One of her friends requested that. I personally didn't know her, but she seems really really lovely. May she rest in peace and may her family overcome such a tragedy...

Please be careful and stay safe. Carpe diem, seize the day, and don't go to sleep mad or upset. Do as much good as you can. 

With a heck of a lot of love, 

Yours in Caring and Service

The Bronx Science Key Club Board 2012-2013:
Amanda Tam '13, President
Jaehwi Kwon '13, Vice President
Lawrence Chen '13, Secretary
Roman Mondal '13, Treasurer
Jessica Chan '13, Editor

Bronx Science Key Club Board 2012-2013:
Amanda Tam '13, President
Jaehwi Kwon '13, Vice President
Lawrence Chen '13, Secretary
Roman Mondal '12, Treasurer
Jessica Chan '13, Editor

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