[Bxscience Key Club] CLUB UPDATE

Hello Key Clubbers!
Prepare to be mind blown with a really long e-mail
DUES ARE DUE THIS THURSDAY! PLEASE GIVE IT IN A ENVELOPE WITH YOUR NAME, HOMEROOM, OSIS, and EMAIL!!!!! If you don't have an envelope, you can put it in a really ghetto, takes 10 seconds to make, looseleaf paper envelope. Which really is rolling up the money in looseleaf paper and writing your info on it.
Breast Cancer Walk (10/16) in Central Park
We will be meeting at 8 or 8:30AM at the 5 Ave and E 72nd Street entrance of Central Park.
I know many people are opposed to this, but please bring a donation! Last year it was mandatory to bring at least a $5 donation to any walk we go to, but we're trying not to enforce that this year. Ask your parents and ask your teachers!!!! Oh and bring posters for BxSci Key Club, we will bribe you with points :D!
Here's the link to sign up
October Divisional (10/21) at HSMSE (High School for Math, Science, and Engineering)
For those who don't know, a divisional is like a normal key club meeting. Except instead of just one key club, all the key clubs in the division get together and have one big meeting.
On Friday, we will be meeting up after school at the flagpoles and go to the divisional as a group. Expect the divisional to end around 6 or 7PM. 7PM the latest possible. We will be taking the D train there. 
Planting Trees with EAA (10/22) in Mariner Park, Brooklyn
YES IT DID, the event location has changed. Sorry if that effects anyones schedule.
If you want to go to this event, PLEASE SIGN UP BEFORE MONDAY
the events coordinators are hassling me for the number of people and information of people going by Monday so please sign up before then.
Here's the link
Fall Rally (10/29)
The location for the Fall Rally has not yet been finalized.
BUT just to give you a background of what the fall rally is about, it's like a mini LTC. WHICH MEANS A HUGE MEETING WITH ALL KEY CLUBS IN NYC. It's crazy. At the rally, you will go around going to several workshops (each workshop is like 2 periods in a normal BxSci schedule) and just learning about key club. If you wish to become more active, or involved in Key Club or if you want to become an officer FALL RALLY IS A MUST!!!!!!!
It will be most of the day, but they will probably serve lunch
Oh one important thing...It's semi-formal. BUT BXSCI KEY CLUB IS AWESOME SO WHIP OUT YOUR SUITS AND DRESSES PEOPLE (optional)
Kiwanis Halloween Window Painting Contest (10/29) somewhere near Van Cortlandt Park, Bronx
Yeah, yeah. It's the same day as the fall rally.
BUT this is also a great event to go to because Kiwanis is the sponsors of Key Club and our supporting Kiwanis Club, the Riverdale Kiwanis Club, are the people who are sponsoring this contest.
At this event you will be supervising children as they go up and down the block painting every single building on that block. For more information look on the form provided.
Here's the form
Joining A Committee!!!
If anyone remembers what committees are or what kinds of committees we have at the Bronx Science Key Club, I hope you decide to join one of the committees.
For those who don't know what they are, they are like the behind the scene people of key club. Each committee has a special job. There are 4 committees, Fundraising, Projects, Scrapbooking, and Public Relations. Fundraising brain storms ideas and organizes fundraisers for Key Club or organizations we want to help. Projects look for events to go to (a LOT harder than it sounds). Scrapbooking's main job is to take pictures at events and create a scrapbook. Public Relations main job is to help Naurin write the newsletter for Key Club!
NOTE: committees will have committee meetings seperate from key club meetings
If you want to join one of these committees please go to the link below.
I hope you guys enjoy your weekend! Have fun~
Hakuna Matata

Bronx Science Key Club Board 2011-2012:
Victoria Li '12, President
Jaehwi Kwon '13, Vice President
Jessica Chan '13, Secretary
Michelle Soto '12, Treasurer

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